Allen provides an array of products to meet your specific orthopaedic positioning needs including beach chairs that offer Fowler’s Position for shoulder surgery, multiple options for lateral decubitus positioning and a wide selection of arm and hand tables.
Allen® Lift-Assist® Beach Chair
Universal™ Head Positioner
Allen® Arm Positioner
Allen® Hug-U-Vac® Lateral Positioner
Allen® Traction Boot
Portable Orderly Limb Positioner
Schlein Hand Positioner
Wrist Arthroscopy System
The Equalizer
Basic Carpa™ Table
Carbon Lights™ Minor Procedures Table
Carbon Lights™ Hourglass Table
Basic Hourglass Table
Carbon Lights™ Rectangular Table
Basic Rectangular Table
Lateral Braces
Arthroscopic Well-Leg Holder
Total Knee Stabilizer
Classic Arthroscopic Leg Holder
Deluxe Arthroscopic Legholder
Arm Traction Device
Weightless Shoulder Suspension System